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#EXECUTE You have purpose

No words...

Vince Wyatt

Ever had those feelings you couldn’t make words for?

Rather good or bad, you just don’t know what to call it or how to describe. Only a feeling you feel and not a soul could feel this feeling but you. It’s weird to notice a change in someone and they don’t see it, so drastic but they still so oblivious. I shook my head with discouragement.

That push I had wasn’t there, that motivation wasn’t there, and this was the first time I hadn’t felt like I was doing it all alone. But to benefit someone is then motive to be a priority, cared about the way you should be.

It was great in the beginning, and now I felt foolish to think for one second that it was genuine, but maybe it was, just a limit though, non unconditional, I reckon. It ruined my drive; it’s so hard to be alone doing everything on your own. Going from begin top priority to being squeezed in when it’s convenient.

Excuse me for my feelings.

Again I should have known better, but hey, it was so convincing. I’m over it now, I finished my time in this situation, I’m grateful for opportunities presented to me to prolong my love and my wisdom growth, away from what I’m used to. Just like everybody else though, temporary, though I never forget what you’ve done for me, but true colors showed when I was of no benefit to you.

I know better now.

Thank you.

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