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#EXECUTE You have purpose

Rabbit Hole...

Vince Wyatt

 I was driving to work one morning and I sort of fell into one of my usual random deep thought sessions. It's like a wild rabbit hole where I explore myself, my life, transitions, and adjustments. Mainly the overall pieces that come from an honest self assessment. 

I’ve been trying to learn how to make the best of my life and make use of my time, all while protecting my peace and sanity. I've also taken this journey into slight entrepreneurship and I’m learning so much about business. 

Through this process, I realized that the message is simply this, you can literally do whatever you want to do. A dream is beautiful and a goal is admirable but what really sets you apart from everyone else is your work ethic. What's more important than that, is making sure you are constantly surrounding yourself with people that drive your work ethic and hold you accountable. 

We are surrounded by so many things that tell us we can do whatever we want but we never take advantage because the work of it all scares us or the comfort in whatever you’re doing allows you to never take that leap.  I truly believe if you are willing to work, there is nothing in the world you can’t have. 

In order to fulfill your dreams wholeheartedly, you have to seek and accept validation form yourself before anything else! You have to believe in yourself before anyone else. People will project their personal fears onto your dreams and goals and if you allow that, it will ruin you. Lock in and stay focused. This is your chance to have the life YOU want. 


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