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#EXECUTE You have purpose

The Calm...

Vince Wyatt

I can say this is the happiest I’ve been in a while, as much as the moment is mesmerizing, I can’t help but to ponder the thoughts of this being over soon.

The inevitable—obviously…

I guess this is what happens when so much bad happens to you, it becomes fairly hard to enjoy the moments,

My niece is growing though.

My sister is as beautiful as she was when I last saw her.

It’s pretty obvious my mom hasn’t smiled and laughed this hard and that big in a while—Never mind whatever she had in her cup.

Oh and my brothers are just as successful—as they’ve always been.

I’m slightly jealous of mike man, such a great job, and such a great car. Same for Antonio though, there is no different.

I wonder why I often feel like it’s harder for me to get to the comfort than others…

Good job y’all.

“ONE DAY”… I repeated this out loud once… but in my head way more than I could count… I guess I feel a little behind, for there is of course…”my time”

I watch us and see how far we’ve come and it’s a blessing.

We not supposed to be here—

In a sense that most of us from a background like ours…simply don’t make it—

I suppose.

But of course we beat the odds, surprised, still surprised without a doubt.

One-day I will tell the story, just know…

But of course…

We aren’t judged by what eve gone through, but how we learn and develop prior…

Then we look back and remember.

Laughs, tears, memories…

Either way…

We give thanks…

So thanks.

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