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#EXECUTE You have purpose


Vince Wyatt

I Love money...lots of shiny jewelry, fast cars I can barely pronounce, girls too...'lots of them... proving to everybody I'm living lavish and I'm happy no matter what...

Ok I'm lying...

I hate all those things.

 I don't really care about money, I just need it to survive, and I wish its purpose wasn't so plentiful…

 I don't really like jewelry either, my watch has no diamonds but I have to remind myself to put it on so I can feel like I've "grown up" a little, hence the reason I grew out my beard.

Am I still trying to find myself?

I'll take a nice car, good gas mileage and it rides smooth, I have desires but they don't come with but rims, TV’s in places I can't see while driving—wait, why would I ever need to watch a movie when I'm going 75 on the interstate anyway?

Oh yea,

Girls suck and having more than one isn't really that cool to me, I'd rather keep just one, it's enough work to me—I don't mean work as a bad thing... I'm just ok, I promise.

Plus I couldn't deal with all that attention.

I don't like many people... I don't hate them or anything, though. I just sort of lost faith in the fact that people are good, I'm actually more shocked to find out they are. But whatever, we can talk about that later. I just don't need validation from people who don't walk in my shoes... 

Ya know? Maybe not...


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