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#EXECUTE You have purpose


Vince Wyatt

I Find myself right back in this position…

I often feel like I have lost myself…

Overshadowed with smiles and constant distractions.

I can’t imagine a time where I’m alone and I reflect on everything that I feel necessary…

Thinking about it kind of makes me nervous and I got a taste of it the other day... its been lingering within me since.

I know how my life should have went… but then I know how my life how I want my life to be… and finally, I know how my life is at this point in time.

The scary part is accepting what you know should have happened but didn’t.

Now you have these lemons life threw at you and you have no choice but to simply make the best lemonade you can make with them, AKA, knowing that god has a different plan for you… and because of that, you must embrace it and remain positive. That’s why I’m so confused because I used to smile to cover up what’s inside…but my life has changed so much and I’m still smiling, only difference is now, I don’t know if its real or not…

I could just be going through the motions and have completely lost myself, or this is really my life and I’ve completely accepted it.

The moral of this situation is to FIGURE IT OUT, dealing with this situation I have realized maybe there are people out there that may be of have going/gone through this same thing.

I’ve been telling myself this and as I am working on it, I challenge you to do the same

Ill be back…

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