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#EXECUTE You have purpose

"But Life..."

Vince Wyatt

After so many changes in life I guess one should take time to sit down and reflect on what life means again. At one point you may have thought you figured it out, and in that moment, you probably have. You have your goals that you have met, you have gotten yourself out of that dark, rocky place you’ve been in, and you were finally able to breathe again…

But life..

Here you are, watching these obstacles attack you from every way. Some you can see coming and others just blindside you and all you can do is watch, or so it seems. 
The most important part of being a good human being is the response to hard times. You may have heard this before but I kid you not, I truly believe this is the true definition. What are you going to do when you have taken 2 steps forward only to get knocked back 4? 

It's super easy to lash out, right? I mean, who hasn’t been so frustrated with life that at any moment, the wrong words or literally any words from anyone could set you off? That doesn't change your reality. Looking for someone to feel sorry for you does not change your reality and giving up completely just does not change your reality.

What exactly is your reality? You may have different obstacles than other people but the fact still remains that we ALL have things going on that make us feel sad, mad, depressed, frustrated, etc. 

So now, you pick yourself up. Be true to yourself when you think about what it is in this life you want, how do you plan to get it, and if you are determined enough to endure what's to come on your way there. Respect the journey and everything it comes with for this is not ever going to be a walk in the park. If it is… you are not dreaming hard enough. Don't forget to celebrate the small victories because they keep you humble and hungry and quite frankly, everyone deserves a pat on the back...just don't go looking for it from anyone. 

I must apologize for my rambling, This is an entry, not a book. I’ll leave you with this. You will never know the feeling of true appreciation of life until you have been at what seemed to be your lowest and brought yourself back up.

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