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#EXECUTE You have purpose

With Time...

Vince Wyatt

There are so many people that have all sorts of theories on how to move forward and get over hard or uneasy times. I would need more hands if I ever tried to count how many ways I’ve tried to deal with hardship and adversity. The times where I thought I was ok, out of nowhere I would be hit with random demons (for lack of better terminology). 

Now, I am not perfect at all. In fact, I still battle demons from my childhood, things that happened so long ago that I shouldn't even remember and even things that have happened recently. I can tell you now that if you’re reading this and it sounds like you. I’ll let you in on something you may already know but I just realized maybe a year ago. 

I often wonder why the things that I feel like I have gotten over still lingered. It started to become a pattern, too. That's when I started to look at ME. What is it that's bothering me and why? After I found the answer, I started to think about how this has never gone away. Finally, it became very simple. This thing was something I never ever dealt with in the first place. This was something I always hoped time would take care of and boy was I wrong. 

I say that to say this and I will end it. DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS HEAD ON. What bothers you now, will never stop unless you unpack it and deal with it. You will never move forward if you don't attack what's keeping you in the place you may feel stuck in no matter how much you think you are progressing. Your issues will become you if you do not address them. This will not happen overnight, nothing worthwhile does and I promise you, your peace of mind, your energy, and overall well being is very worth it. 


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